Financial Calculators

Use this handy calculator to estimate how an investment or savings plan might perform.
Use this handy tool to look at your income and expenditure and help you set a budget.
Our online IHT calculator will help you calculate any potential IHT liability.
Assess the impact of inflation on your savings over any term.
Calculate your loan repayments on a given loan amount for a specified interest rate.
Calculate your mortgage repayments on a given mortgage amount for a specified interest rate.
Use this calculator to determine if there might be a shortfall in your pension fund when you retire.
Estimate your Income Tax liability, using our online calculator.
Estimate the size of mortgage which may be available to you.
Calculate your lifetime earning potential.

UK News

Peter Kyle responds as internet safety campaigner Ian Russell says laws to protect children need fixing.
The chancellor has been criticised for making the trip while the government is under pressure from rising borrowing costs.
Why Rachel Reeves needs a more detailed growth strategy - and soon.
The rising cost of buying or renting home has led more to remain in the family home, a think-tank says.
The chair of a committee of MPs has written to the London Stock Exchange with concerns over the fashion retailer.